Corporate strategy and reviews to use scientific consultants to discredit actually any scientific research on the topic.
“So, looking at a review of reviews, can give you a better sense of where the best available balance of evidence may lie.
Wouldn’t it be cool if there were reviews-of-reviews for different foods?
An exhaustive review of meta-analyses and systematic reviews on the associations between food and beverage groups and major diet-related chronic diseases. ”
The consumption of milk is associated with increased risks of prostate cancer, leading to recommendations suggestion men may want to cut down or minimize their intake [for the beverages diet].
Conclusion: Milk consumption [and total dairy products] is associated with decreased colorectal cancer risk. (This appear to be a calcium effect.)
Thankfully, we may be able to get the best of the worlds by eating high-calcium plant foods, such as greens and beans.”
– Dr. Michael Greger.
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