This is a link to VegeDoctors their Korean languange website, and a post which they shared with their members. It tells you to do all those things you have been hearing in the media about washing your hands and covering up when...
Archive - February 2020
일반적인 식품 회사와 ‘푸드 테크 스타트업’의 다른 점은 무엇일까요? 이 질문은 요즘 저의 가장 중요한 고민 중 하나입니다. 혁신적인 제품? 제조 과정에서...
Here are the top 10 plant-based foods …Enjoy! —- THESE ARE THE TOP 10 VEGAN FOOD TRENDS FOR 2020 What’s going to be the hottest vegan food trend in 2020? There’s a lot of deliciousness in...
이의철박사님 명강의입니다. 2020년 3월 2일 저희 Plant Based Dinner에 오셔서 강의 해 주실 겁니다. 이번 영상은 57분 이라 다소 길지만, 한번 들어 보시면 유익하리라 생각 됩니다.
I took the Le Cordon Bleu cooking diploma course offered at the Sookmyung Womens University located in Seoul back in 2013. It was great, as I think they really taught me the basics to all cooking, although the cuisine we were...
If you have over 7 hours to spare, you may be interested in listening to the entire China Study. A book written by T. Colin Campbell and his son. It talks a little about the actual China Study research conducted by Cornell...
In the 70’s and 80’s, a collaborative 20 year study between Cornell, Oxford and China’s Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine was done. The laboratory was China. It was one of the most comprehensive studies...
Another relatively short clip (only 18 minutes) talking in a bit more detail about why we ought to move towards a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet. Interestingly, he talks about how smoking evolved from scientific research to...
I found this video helpful for understanding the Whole Food Plant Based movement. It also helped that it was only around 8 minutes long, Versus some other videos which are closer to an hour long. Enjoy!
어제 저희 어스밀크팀은 환경재단을 다시한번 방문했어요! 2월3일 월요일에 있을 비건디너 행사가 진행될 레이첼카슨홀도 직접가서 보고 환경재단 최열이사장님도 뵙고...