We all have cancer (microscopic). Difference is how well we feed it.

Here is a Youtube clip of Dr. William Li giving his Ted Talk (20 minutes or so) back in 2014 on Angiogenesis. If you want to fastword where he starts talking about cancer and food, go to the 11th minute.

You can take from this what you will, but this is my takeaway:

  1. Every single adult has cancer. They are normally microscopic cancer, and they normally die, as they are naturally quite weak.
  2. But if our diet consist of 10% or more of protein, we start feeding this microscopic cancer, and they develop into a DNA adduct (a segment of DNA bound to a cancer-causing chemical), then foci (cluster of cells that are notably different through mutation from the surrounding cells. They are generally the first sign of a developing lesion or tumors), then to tumors. If the cancer progresses further, it has metastasized.
  3. This process takes a long time (many many years).
  4. If we consume veggies, fruits, spices/herbs and nuts, we can naturally eat a diet that is 10% or less in protein, and combat these microscopic cancers through antioxidants we would be consuming.
  5. You can prevent cancer, you can even reverse cancer to some degree, and if you have had cancer surgery, while in remission, you can certainly prevent cancer from coming back.

About the author

Douglas Hong

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